NZ Historical Ceramics Database




This report brings together dating information derived from manufacturers, makers marks and patterns for a particular assemblage.

For "complete" assemblages (e.g., Britomart, Miners Bay and Fale Pasifika) where the individual items were entered you can choose to search the assemblage for the dates (even though the items were not photographed). This is more comprehensive as all items are checked for dating information associated with them. In future, the dating report might also contain archaeological context.

In most cases, however, you will need to search through the images library (click the check box) to extract dating information. This relies on checking each image that has been entered for a site but no data associated with original context or the number of items etc can be determined. However, this is still useful as research on manufacturers and patterns may allow increase the number of "datable" items identified in an assemblage.

Search Image library


© Simon H. Bickler (2006-2019)