NZ Historical Ceramics Database




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Syria ()

Description: Technique: Transfer-printArchaeological Notes: This pattern was identified from examples recovered from the Victoria Hotel. Coysh and Henrywood (1984: 355; 1989: 192) attribute this design to Robert Cochran & Co. The example from the Victoria Hotel carries a different pattern cartouche from the R. Cochran mark that is described in Coysh and Henrywood (a circular belt enclosing the pattern name) (1984: 355). However, an example of this design retrieved from the Auckland Gaol carries a virtually identical cartouche to the Victoria Hotel example in conjunction with a R Cochran mark (Brassey and Macready 1994: 41, 53 Fig. C10, 61 Fig. 30f; Best 1992: 73 pl 25 e). The examples of the Syria design which depict a mansion and river scene within a border of alternating floral motifs and buildings appears to differ from the design described by Coysh and Henrywood (1984: 355; 1989: 192). Therefore, it is likely the examples of this design are attributable to R Cochran, but like many 19th century patterns are probably one pattern of a design series and not a specific design.




R11/1379Britomart Reclamation
R11/1530Victoria Hotel
R11/1559Queen Street Gaol
ButlerButler's Point
© Simon H. Bickler (2006-2019)